30 September 2016
Carbon Africa in cooperation with Economic Consulting Associates and Trama TecnoAmbiental are undertaking pre-feasibility studies for private sector mini-grids at 30 sites in Kenya under a World Bank funded initiative for the Ministry of Energy & Petroleum. The 30 sites fall across eight counties including areas in the north of the country and island sites on the coast and Lake Victoria. Mini-grid expert teams visited each site to assess potential demand, map key loads, identify land for a power plant and understand the local context. The last field survey was concluded on 30 September 2016. The data collected will form the basis of the technical & economic pre-feasibility studies.
This work is one of a number of ongoing mini-grid assignments at Carbon Africa. Others include:
  • Involvement in the design of a financing facility for mini-grids in Rwanda
  • Due diligence on private mini-grid developers in East Africa for a new financing platform, starting with Tanzania and Kenya
  • A review of a donor-funded mini-grid programme with country and Africa-level initiatives
  • Support to a regulatory study on electricity bulk purchase and retailing for grid-connected mini-grids in Kenya