To provide clients and partners relevant information about the themes concerning climate action, Carbon Africa periodically releases briefing notes.  These documents, prepared by Carbon Africa directors, aim to take a fresh pair of eyes to a key topic area, always coming from a position of facilitating real impact on the ground in Africa.  

African Carbon Forum 2018 Side-event briefing |Enhancing climate action in Africa - defining the needs and priorities for the region in the transition from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement

This briefing note summarises the discussions that were held by African DNAs and negotiators, technical experts and government representatives. The overall objective of the programme was targeted towards increasing levels of understanding and identifying capacity gaps with regards to the new roles of DNAs under the Paris Agreement and the transition from the Kyoto Protocol.

Publishing date: April/2018


East and Southern African non-State actor dialogue on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

This briefing note summarises the discussions that were held by regional experts on options for interpreting and operationalizing elements contained in article 6 under the Paris Agreement. The event was organised by the Kampala regional collaboration centre (RCC) and took place in Entebbe Uganda with Carbon Africa invited as one of twenty key regional players.

Publishing date: July/2016


African Carbon Forum 2016 Side-event briefing | Eastern Africa Standardised Baselines - Application, Replication and Expansion

This document summarises discussions that took place during the DNA round table side event that was organised by GIZ and the UNFCCC RCC Kampala with support from the BMUB and the East Africa Development Bank during the 2016 Africa Carbon Forum in Kigali, Rwanda. The main objective of the event was to  assess the status of Standardised Baselines (SBs)in Eastern Africa in addition to their current and future role in the context of the Paris Agreement. The round table discussions moderated by Carbon Africa provided an opportunity for DNAs to share their experiences in developing SBs, identify areas for regional synergies and further collaboration. 

Publishing date: July/2016


2nd Edition | Tapping into the CDM pipepline: A key piece in the jigsaw of scaled up Climate Action in Africa
The focus in African countries is shifting from intention to the implementation of climate pledges under the Paris Agreement. In this context, existing CDM projects and programmes could prove to be a ready-made testing ground for catalysing the deployment of new and scaled-up climate finance mechanisms. Read more about it in this briefing note.

Publishing date: May/2016

 1st Edition | The Paris Agreement: A framework and mandate for enhanced action on climate change

Prepared by Carbon Africa team present at the COP21, this briefing note is a summary of key points of the Paris Agreement in order to ease the digestion of the overall agreement and looking forward to support the various organizational responses in 2016.

Publishing date: January/2016

Information Note: Potential for referencing market mechanisms in INDCs

Prepared by Carbon Africa and Climate Focus for the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centre Kampala and the East African Development Bank, this briefing note supports countries in sub-Saharan Africa in considering the inclusion of market mechanisms and CDM in their INDC. 

Publishing date: September/2015


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