5th May, 2017 – Under the EU-Africa Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) of the European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI-PDF), Carbon Africa is leading the implementation of a project to provide renewable energy project information and opportunities in difference market segments, including for solar home systems, mini-grids, captive power and applications in agri-food chains.
Initial successful scoping missions to Zambia and Senegal took place in January, February and March 2017. A second country visit to Senegal to delve further into specific project opportunities was undertaken from 11 April – 3 May. The consultant team is currently again in Zambia from 1 – 25 May to collect data to inform the preparation of model business cases and project case studies. A first mission to Uganda is scheduled from 15-19 May, with a focus on teasing out useful information for developers to know to make their projects happen.