Carbon Africa, on behalf of SimGas BV, invites you to a Gold Standard stakeholder feedback round meeting to be held on 29 August 2014 at Methodist Guest House in Nairobi, Kenya from 9.00am to 4.30pm. SimGas BV is company that designs, manufactures and distributes small-scale, affordable and improved biogas and bio sanitation systems that can be used for cooking and lighting. The SimGas project in Kenya will result in a number of sustainable development benefits including reduced (a) deforestation and desertification, (b) indoor air pollution, (c) carbon dioxide and methane emissions from kerosene use and uncontrolled manure decomposition, (d) fuel costs, (e) healthcare costs from improved indoor air conditions and better environmental sanitation.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the SimGas biogas project and its impacts on sustainable development in Kenya.
Kindly confirm attendance to Elijah Isabu: elijah[at] or phone: +254 706 374 150 or +254 731 851 754.
Kindly find a non-technical summary of the project - English: NTS_English and Kiswahili: NTS_Swahili